As you know, in 2016 the live concert [nZk]004 was held. And with this, the special Q&A project for the concert was done, in which fans asked questions from Sawano. All questions and answers were published in the concert booklet for 004. Here are the translations:

Q: Your piano produces the deepest impression. You also use a lot of electronic tools. Do you remember when you bought your first electronic musical instrument?

A: In high school. I bought the YAMAHA EOS 900 Synthesizer.

Q: Are there any songs like My☆ in which we can hear your singing?

A: My voice can be heard in the song z29ba2t0t1l301e17.

Q: When creating an arrangement of a song, you add electronic sounds. Do you use your own equipment to complete the work on the song? Or are you helped by people who work with this sort of equipment?

A: I do it myself.

Q: What do you do when you're not working?

A: I watch TV.

Q: What do you look for when choosing vocalists? Every time all the vocalists are simply unmatched!

A: The most important thing is the voice.

Q: With what tools do you work at home?

A: Piano. At home, I create music using a computer and keyboard. I don't have a guitar, organ or percussive instruments (laughs).

Q: Sawano-san, do you have time to listen to music? I do! Your songs make me cry.

A: I do. The songs of the band "CHAGE & ASKA" moved me many times and gave me courage.

Q: What is your blood type?

A: O

Q: What is your week like?

A: Monday to Friday: making music, eating, watching movies, good sleep. From Saturday to Sunday: rest.

Q: How long does it take to create a song?

A: About 3-4 hours. Depends on the composition and its length.

Q: I heard that you like to watch movies. What was your favorite movie from recent times?

A: Batman (The Dark Knight) by Christopher Nolan.

Q: How do you change your facial expressions? Your heart tells you to do this?

A: It's just a face. It always happens very quickly (laughs).

Q: In Spring of 2015, there was an audition to choose a vocalist to work with you. Please tell me, why did you choose Tielle?

A: I had the opportunity to meet with the candidates directly to listen to their singing. Tielle had a very powerful voice.

Q: Tell me about the names of the tracks.

A: To give normal names to songs - for me, that isn't interesting. In addition, to come up with such names would be very boring.

Q: String instruments are used in your work. But I notice you do not use woodwind instruments.

A: Personally, I believe that a wooden instrument will give the music a great sound. But to give firmness and gloom together with percussion instruments, the main attention will be directed to string and brass instruments.

Q: Question from Venezuela: I've always wanted to know what nZk means.

A: I already talked about this at the [nZk]003 concert.

Q: What color would you describe your own music with?

A: Dark Blue.

Q: What is the most stressful thing in your live performances?

A: Overture in the pianoforte.

Q: You created a lot of music. What kind of music was most difficult for you?

A: Creating music for the drama 'Ns' Aoi', probably. I think the difficulty came from it being my debut work as a composer. It was the deciding factor on how I would continue to work.

Q: It is time to ask about your phobia of aircraft.

A: I have not overcome it yet.

Q: The most important thing when creating your music?

A: To enjoy it.